3 Tips to Move Your Body More During Jupiter in Aries
Jun 21, 2022
For 12 months, Jupiter was in Pisces...inviting us to dream, connect to our spirit and our spirituality, and go with the flow. On May 11, the biggest planet in our solar system moved into a totally different and new energy--Aries--and it will remain there for several months.
Pisces is the swimmer, the daydreamer, and the beach-comber. Aries is the athlete, the warrior, and the action-taker. Big difference.
Are you feeling Jupiter in Aries' call to get physical and move your body? I most certainly am. Yet, in today's modern world, it is so easy to ignore the call to MOVE because we are busy and live more sedentary lives.
To support you, here are three tips to help you get moving and take advantage of the fiery energy of Jupiter in Aries that is occurring from now through October (when Jupiter retrogrades back into Pisces for November and December, before returning to Aries again). Read them now, or print them for later and add time on your calendar to look at them.
Step 1: Tune into the needs of your body.
Take some time now, or in the next few days, to notice how your body is feeling. Does it want to be stretched, moved, or used? For me, I have this feeling in my muscles like they are atrophying and want me to get up and USE them! Someone else may have "nervous energy" that wants to be burned off. Is your body asking you to move it more? If so, read Step 2. If not, skip to after Step 3, to the "If Your body does not feel called to move" section.
Step 2: Decide how you want to move your body.
If you are feeling the call to be active, what are one or more ways you would enjoy moving more in the next few months? You may prefer to bike, swim, hike, go to an exercise class, or hop on some gym equipment like the treadmill or stair climber. Other options include parking further away from the store or office and getting more steps in, climbing a few sets of stairs at lunchtime, starting each day with 10 minutes on your yoga mat, or dancing for 5 minutes when you get home from work each night. Even a little adds up to feel good, and you may naturally want to build from there.
For me, I am enjoying taking brisker walks with the dog than usual as well as adding in calisthenics like situps, squats, and "biking" on my back during morning meditation and while watching TV in the evenings. I'm not doing this to be a "good girl" who exercises--my body is asking me to move it and this feels good!
Step 3: Add in structures, routines, and tools that make movement come easier.
Now that you have a sense of how you'd enjoy moving your body more (yes, pick something that calls to you!), take a moment to think about if there are any structures, tools, or routines you feel comfortable adding to help you follow through. Do you want to join a gym, sign up for a class, or ask a friend or loved one to join you? Do you need to block off time on your calendar to keep it free for movement, hang a sticky note to remind you of your goal, or set a phone or computer reminder to go off at the same time each day? I asked for a smartwatch for my birthday, which has made it fun and easy to keep track of my physical activity.
That's it!
If your body does not feel called to move... it's possible that Jupiter in Aries is activating a different area of your life, less related to physical movement (such as the 7th house of relationships or the 10th house of career) or a different aspect of Aries energy (such as new beginnings, self-assertion, anger, or action-taking). If this is the case, trust how you feel. Astrology is merely a portal to self-understanding...it is not a narrow pathway to how we must experience our lives. To get the most out of Jupiter in Aries, you can ask yourself one or more of the following questions and see what gets sparked:
- Where am I ready to take action in my life, and what is the next step or two I'm willing to take to get started or make progress?
- Where do I feel anger in my life, and how can I learn to process it in a constructive and healthy way?
- Where in my life am I being called to be an individual and not worry about what others think of me?
If you'd like a partner on the journey to help you harness the power of Jupiter in Aries--or to heal, unblock, or launch the next chapter of your joyful life--book a session with me here!
How are you going to make the most of the active energy of Jupiter in Aries? Leave a comment or drop me a line at [email protected]
Suzanne Bellavista, M.S., is a life purpose astrologer and inner peace meditation teacher who offers do-it-yourself tools to help you discover your life purpose using astrology and enjoy more inner peace using meditation.