Cancer New Moon: Self-Care for Spiritual Adults

cancer self-care Jun 29, 2022

Whoa...the hits keep on coming. The world feels crazy out there, and I'm starting to wonder if we will ever get back to peace and normalcy. I believe we will eventually, but I'm not clear on how long it will take to get there.

Here in the United States, it feels like we are watching a giant fist fight on the public stage between Congress, the Supreme Court, and the American people. Women's rights have been taken. Mass shootings continue. Abroad, the war in Ukraine--and the terrible and unnecessary loss of life, property, and land--rages on. It is heart-wrenching.

How are you doing at home and in your own life? Are you managing to hold your loved ones close? Are you staying centered in your own strengths and wisdom? Are you maintaining peace and love at home, even when the world out there looks chaotic?


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Last night (10:52PM ET/7:52PM PT), we had a new moon in the sign and energy of Cancer. Cancer is the great nurturer, and given what is going on in the world around us, many of us could use a big dose of self-love, self-care, and nurturing right now. (Check out my released yesterday!)

As I sat in morning meditation yesterday, reflecting on what wisdom this new moon in Cancer had for our Soulful Living Project community, Spirit invited me to invite you to start anew with your self-care practices.

You've been learning about yourself for years now. You know what makes you feel good and what makes you feel happy. You know what activities you can engage in to rejuvenate and which activities drain you.

It's time to recommit to a daily practice of self-care and to hold yourself to a higher standard of healthy living because the world needs your strength, wisdom, and leadership right now--and the only way you will be able to give that is if you are well-fed, nourished and cared for. Who better to care for you than you? You know what you need, and you are always positioned to be your best advocate.

Are you ready to take responsibility and commit to caring for yourself on a daily basis?


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Self-care can look like:

  • shortening your workday or taking a real lunch
  • taking a power nap
  • eating a healthy dinner
  • moving your body for at least 20 minutes a day
  • taking a bath, reading a book, or dancing to music that puts a smile on your face
  • attending a yoga, art, or wine tasting class
  • making art or gardening
  • sitting with your pet on your lap or calling a friend who brightens your spirit
  • lighting a candle and listening to soothing music
  • and so much more--you know what nourishes you!

What's one thing you are willing to commit to doing each day to make sure you are well-cared for and energized?

The new moon in Cancer is a wonderful time to commit or recommit to a practice.

If you'd like guidance on how to create your own new moon ritual, or you'd simply like to receive more wisdom about the energy of this time, take a listen to my latest podcast episode here: , released yesterday. I walk you through creating your own new moon ritual, which you can do anytime this week when you have time.


Suzanne Bellavista, M.S., is a life purpose astrologer and inner peace meditation teacher who offers do-it-yourself tools to help you discover your life purpose using astrology and enjoy more inner peace using meditation.

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