Solar Eclipse in Scorpio: Alchemize Your Shadow Self for a Stronger Future You
Oct 25, 2022
How do you deal with the aspects of your life that can be found in the shadows? The fears, the guilt, the worries, the shame, or the secrets? Do you try to run away, dive in headlong to explore, or do something in between? Tomorrow's new moon and solar eclipse in Scorpio (Tuesday, October 25 @ 4:00AM PDT/7:00AM EDT/11:00 GMT/10:00PM AEDT) will naturally bring the shadows in our lives into plain sight for dealing with.
As the new moon blocks out the light of the sun for a time, we will have space to reflect on our inner life and to notice its deepest discomforts and secrets. The things we don't normally like to speak about, regarding ourselves or others, may come bubbling up. I doesn't sound very fun! For some solace, think of any pain or discomfort that comes up as a productive pain that is facilitating transformation. Scorpio rules over death for the sake of rebirth. Intense, right? But sometimes very valuable.
Depending on where you are on your journey, the solar eclipse in Scorpio may trigger profound change for you, or it may simply bring to the surface and then release the last bits of fear, secrets, negativity, or chaos that have been buried in your unconscious.
As my wonderful neighbor and dog sitter suggested, "Keep hydrated!" It's a simple ask that will do you good. Be kind to yourself. Take a nap if you can swing it. Write in your journal. Take a bubble bath or a warm shower. Sit by the fire (or the lake) with a mug of tea. Cry (or scream) into your pillow if you are experiencing the deep Scorpio feels.
Have dinner with a friend and probe how each of you are feeling, or focus on the five senses and simply enjoy your meal. Meditate and call on your angels. Do whatever feels best to you as you move through this potentially uncomfortable or anxious energy. Eventually, you will know what to do. For now, listen, observe, and care for yourself.
You might also want to check out this week's podcast: Episode 14: Solar Eclipse in Scorpio: Alchemizing Your Shadow Truths Into a Stronger Future You, or reflect on this week's printable journal prompts, also show below. I've designed them to help you move through the solar eclipse energy in a productive way.
1. What are the unconscious truths about myself and/or others that I am coming face-to-face with?
2. How do I want to release the negativity of these truths from my life so I can move into my joyful future?
3. What authority (internal or external) in my life am I ready to overthrow, and how do I want to be my own leader?
Eclipses often trigger the change you've felt at some level was coming. It's up to you whether you fight it, or simply be present and let life work itself out in front of you and through you as the universal energies sweep through. The universe always has your back, and so do I. If you feel overwhelmed or uncertain, take a single step, and feel safe. When you are ready, take another step, rest, and feel safe again. Repeat as needed.
I am wishing you presence, patience, and self-care as you move through this solar eclipse in Scorpio and naturally discover what is wanting to leave your life so that you can begin your next joyful chapter.
Suzanne Bellavista, M.S., is a life purpose astrologer and inner peace meditation teacher who offers do-it-yourself tools to help you discover your life purpose using astrology and enjoy more inner peace using meditation.