What You Appreciate Appreciates

taurus Apr 18, 2021

Happy Taurus season!

Tomorrow morning, Mercury moves into Taurus (at 6:29AM EDT), and tomorrow afternoon (at 4:33PM EDT), the Sun moves into Taurus. Venus moved into Taurus on Wednesday at 2:22PM EDT.

Taurus energy reminds us to get clear on what we value in life and then to take our time enjoying and savoring it.

What do you value?

What do you appreciate?

When you value and appreciate something, you are signaling to the universe a green light to send you more of what you love.

Shutterstock Photo by Wollertz

Want more love in your life? Appreciate the love you are already experiencing.

Wishing for more funds in your bank account? Express gratitude for the money you do have, whatever its amount.

Ready to step out into the world and be visible and appreciated for your authentic gifts? Notice those small moments when you show your true self to someone else and you make them smile.

When you appreciate the things that you love that you already have, you stand in their vibration and attract more of it.

Not that you really need more, do you??? You already have so much.

I challenge you this Taurus season to make a list of everything you have in your life that you already love.

Appreciate all the good stuff and then take some time to savor it.

Something tells me that in the process you are going to realize how abundant you truly and already are.

Shutterstock Photo by Agrofruti

Life has it's challenges and its hardships. We signed up for that at the cosmic coffee shop on the other side before our souls jumped into our bodies in this lifetime and came to Earth School.

But God energy/source/Universe would never send us here without support and resources.

What are your resources?

How are you already loved and supported?

What in your current life makes your soul dance and your heart sing?

Collect it close to your heart and savor it.

Let the universe know what you truly love.


Suzanne Bellavista, M.S., is a life purpose astrologer and inner peace meditation teacher who offers do-it-yourself tools to help you discover your life purpose using astrology and enjoy more inner peace using meditation.

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