Is it time to harness
the power of the moon?
You're an artist, creative, healer, or spiritually awakening woman. You have goals, but you also appreciate that the creative process occurs in cycles. There is time for new beginnings, and time for endings. There is time for work, and time for rest. The 30-Day Guide to Manifest by the Moon will help you align your own creative process with the natural cycles of nature by following the phases of the moon. It will also help you achieve goals in a way that is more natural, easy, and effective. Expert gardeners plant in sync with the moon cycles. Why shouldn't you?
Hi, I'm Suzanne.
I'm a Life-Purpose Astrologer and Meditation Teacher, who helps spiritually awakening women connect to their inner voice of wisdom and the divine wisdom of the Universe as they design the next joyful chapter of their life.
I designed this guide to make it easy for you to reconnect to the natural, creative cycles of Mother Earth, as you create your own dream life. The moon holds the energy of Divine Feminine wisdom. This moon manifestation guide will help you realign with that wisdom, and feel more connected, whole, and empowered.
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A guide that's
easy to use.
Spiritually-awakening woman in the modern world, I know you're busy! That's why I made this guide simple. You'll need 15 minutes to get set up--to hop on the Internet and write the moon phases into the guide for the month ahead so you're ready to go. Then, plan to sit with your guide for 15 minutes, twice a week, as the moon changes phases. You will answer three simple questions with each moon phase to keep you on track with creating in sync with the moon!
Get the GuideHave you been longing to connect to divine wisdom?
Are you an artist, healer, or spiritual woman who loves the idea of creating in sync with nature's cycles? Start tracking the phases of the moon, and align your creative cycle with them. Create with more ease, and enjoy the journey!
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