62. March 2024 Astrology Outlook
It's time for our monthly astrology outlook for March 2024. Learn about the major astrology energies for this month that I'm feeling being activated for starseeds, earth angels, creatives, and empaths:
- new moon in Pisces (March 10) and full moon in Libra (March 25)
- focused energies in Aries, Taurus, Aquarius and Pisces
- North Node and Chiron in Aries conjunction, opposing the South Node in Libra
- Moon in Scorpio opposing Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus (March 1)
- the lunar eclipse in Libra (March 25)
Many of these are not the same energies you will hear discussed on other astrology podcasts, but they ARE what I am feeling is activated for our starseed and earth angel community.
Welcome to the month of March, soul family! It's a time to solidify your sense of self, heal past life wounds, and get clear on your divine worth as a human-soul here on Earth.
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